Three murders in just one week have raised the alarm for MST (Movimento Sem Terra - Landless Workers Movement) farmers in Paraíba and Pernambuco, in Northeast Brazil, where violence never rests.
At the São Francisco camp in Vitória de Santo Antão (PE), no one sleeps through the night. It is the same in other MST camps in the region, which have seen an escalation of violence in recent months. In November alone, three farmers from the movement were murdered.
Farmers hold knifes during a night watch at the São Francisco camp in Pernambuco, in December 2023. Mariana Greif, Reporter Brasil

A farmer works at a rice field, where one week before, Josimar da Silva Pereira had been assassinated, at the São Francisco camp in Pernambuco, in December 2023. Mariana Greif, Reporter Brasil.

Women farmers work at the field, at the São Francisco camp in Pernambuco, in December 2023. Mariana Greif, Reporter Brasil.

Farmers at the São Francisco of the MST (Movimento Sem Terra - Landless Workers Movement) camp in Vitória de Santo Antão, collect peppers. December 2023. Mariana Greif, Reporter Brasil.

Farmer at the São Francisco of the MST (Movimento Sem Terra - Landless Workers Movement) camp in Vitória de Santo Antão, eats a mango he just harvested. December 2023. Mariana Greif, Reporter Brasil.

Farmer Luiz Inácio de Lima of the MST (Movimento Sem Terra - Landless Workers Movement) Quilombo do Livramento camp, works a sugar cane, in Princesa Isabel, in the arid area of Pernambuco, where a leader was assassinated a week before. December 2023, Mariana Greif, Reporter Brasil.

Farmers at the São Francisco of the MST (Movimento Sem Terra - Landless Workers Movement) camp in Vitória de Santo Antão, work the land. December 2023. Mariana Greif, Reporter Brasil.

A farmer at the São Francisco of the MST (Movimento Sem Terra - Landless Workers Movement) camp in Vitória de Santo Antão, locks the door of his tent. December 2023. Mariana Greif, Reporter Brasil.

Farmer, Josefa Rosa working in a Yam production in an MST (Movimento Sem Terra - Landless Workers Movement) camp in Goiana, Pernambuco. December 2023, Mariana Greif, Reporter Brasil.

Farmer at the São Francisco of the MST (Movimento Sem Terra - Landless Workers Movement) camp in Vitória de Santo Antão, harvests passion fruits. December 2023. Mariana Greif, Reporter Brasil.

Farmers Luiz Inácio de Lima, and Jovelina dos Santos, of the MST (Movimento Sem Terra - Landless Workers Movement) Quilombo do Livramento camp, in Princesa Isabel, in the arid area of Pernambuco, where a leader was assassinated a week before. December 2023, Mariana Greif, Reporter Brasil.

Farmers play domino during a night watch at the São Francisco camp in Pernambuco, in December 2023. Mariana Greif, Reporter Brasil

Farmers at a night watch at the São Francisco camp in Pernambuco, in December 2023. Mariana Greif, Reporter Brasil

Farmers at a night watch at the São Francisco camp in Pernambuco, in December 2023. Mariana Greif, Reporter Brasil

Denise Alves, farmer at the São Francisco camp in Vitória de Santo Antão, in Pernambuco, in December 2023. Mariana Greif, Reporter Brasil

Farmers harvest pineapple at the São Francisco camp in Vitória de Santo Antão, in Pernambuco, in December 2023. Mariana Greif, Reporter Brasil

Farmers at a night watch at the São Francisco camp in Pernambuco, in December 2023. Mariana Greif, Reporter Brasil

São Francisco camp in Vitória de Santo Antão, in Pernambuco, in December 2023. Mariana Greif, Reporter Brasil