Wind farms in Rio Grande do Norte, Brazil, concentrate land and affect farmers.
Illiterate, José Bernardo Sobrinho signed a 37-year contract, renewable for another 22 years, with a wind energy company that installed a tower in his backyard to harness wind. Everything happened without José understanding that the agreement would prevent him from planting beans on his farm or even building more houses for his children who would grow up in Parazinho, in the semi-arid region of Rio Grande do Norte, Northeast Brazil.
Like José, hundreds of families in the state leased their land to wind companies believing that they could start living off the wind. However, today they complain of receiving less than expected, or even earning below the value stated in the contract.
In some cases, landowners complain of being prevented from using their land for farming, the main source of income for the communities.
Windmills in Rio Grande do Norte. November 2, 2023. Mariana Greif, Reporter Brasil.

"We planted carioca beans at the foot of that thinner tower, and they brought the tractor and ran over them," complains Severina Rodrigues da Silva, widow of José, as she points to one of the six noisy towers installed near her home. The closest one is 220 meters away and makes it difficult to talk to the reporter.
Severina Rodrigues da Silva, in her house, November 4, 2023. Mariana Greif, Reporter Brasil.

Nearly half of the wind energy parks in Rio Grande do Norte (RN) are located around agrarian reform settlements, according to an exclusive survey by Repórter Brasil. Companies in the sector are seeking to expand their operations on these lands, raising questions about the impact on agricultural communities.
Francisco Clemente Ferreira amidst his organic plantation, in the In the Canto da Ilha de Cima Settlement Project, which may be dismantled to make way for the wind turbines. November 5, 2023. Mariana Greif/Repórter Brasil

Soccer match at the Chico Mendes Settlement Project in Touros (RN); communities are surrounded by wind farms.Rio Grande do Norte, Brazil. November 6, 2023. Mariana Greif, Reporter Brasil.

Fisher community threatened by wind farms. Enxu Queimado, Rio Grande do Norte Brazil. November 4, 2023. Mariana Greif, Reporter Brasil.

Maria Joelma Martins, president of the Enxu Queimado Fishermen's Colony, community threatened by wind farms. Enxu Queimado, Rio Grande do Norte Brazil. November 4, 2023. Mariana Greif, Reporter Brasil.

After receiving about R$ 3,000 per month for a year, Laércio Ribeiro started earning R$ 642 through the lease after changing companies. In the Chico Mendes Settlement Project, in Touros (RN), where communities are surrounded by wind farms. Rio Grande do Norte, Brazil. November 6, 2023. Mariana Greif, Reporter Brasil.